Friday, November 4, 2011

Shaving Cream & Adjective Alphabet

Today in one of my literacy strategy groups I brought out the shaving cream! In this group we have been learning about blends and digraphs. This week we learned about th, ch, wh, and sh. Check out Carl's Corner - I found some great blend/digraph activities there. Naturally I thought it would be fun to practice sh words using SHaving cream!
The kids LOVED writing in the shaving cream. Such a fun sensory activity!

We made a little mess, but it was all worth it!

In Writing, we used Courtney from Swimming into Second's Adjective Alphabet to make a class book.
I gave each student a page with a letter. They got to color in their letter.
Then using a page I made I had them write a few sentences using their adjectives. They turned out great!
I loved seeing their creativity!
I can't wait to pull this out as we talk about adding adjectives to writing. :)

Well, I'm off to enjoy a relaxing and fun weekend! :)


  1. I love this idea. What did you do for the letter X?

  2. Lots of Good information in your post, I favorited your blog post so I can visit again in the future, Thanks.

  3. Super cute! Do you have the student template page that you made for their examples available?
